FICO, the inventor of FICO Score that determines whether you can purchase that Audi or buy that dream home based off of your credit score. The team at FICO came to Comrade to redesign their corporate website and freshen up their brand strategy.
The goal was simple, but the road was rough and narrow. With this project it was a huge learning experience because we were able to present directly to the CEO and his primary stakeholders. The level of approval was low and quick — no none-sense.
As the Lead Art Director and UX Visual Designer I drove the look and feel of the designs under the guidance of the Creative Director. We partnered up with FICO and together we built a long lasting business relationship to continue supporting FICO's needs. We provided several distinct deliverables from User Experience, Visual Design to Branding.
Below are examples of visual elements that we introduced to help illustrate their smart thinking, Big Data capabilities and their new up-to-date sexy wardrobe.
The Final design after a few weeks of explorations and iterations. FICO wanted to show how smart and important they are by showcasing their Big Data numbers and analytics.
Design Process: Client research > User Experience > Moodboards > Visual Design
Below are 3 Moodboards created to explore the visual look an feel without having to be tied to any official design on a particular format. This allows for flexibility and research so that client could react and not immediately judge. This initial research provides a methotical approach which also creates efficiency for the project.
Below are hints and examples of the User Experience piece of the project. Wireframes of user flows drawn out to reflect the path and content types that will be on the website. This design came a long side the moodboards.
Below are 3 Homepage comps based off of the 3 moodboards above.
Project: Consumer facing User Experience and Branding
Agency: Comrade
Role: Product Designer / Design Director
In collaboration with: Adam Davis, Bryan Medway, Kirk Kepley