The Fly On The Wall came to Comrade to solve a problem, redesign their outdated product to be more mature and respected next to the big boy of Wallstreet, Bloomberg.

The goal for this project was to create & design an application that is easy to use with a very unique ownable brand.

Below are examples of our initial visual design research called moodboards. It's a very effective way of getting started from scratch. It resets the expectations of what was existing before. It also does not tie us to anything that's an official style. To set the mood if you will. This will help carry the style across the board without any additional tangeting inspirations from somewhere else. Once we decide on one, we stick with it with minimal adjustments.

As the Lead UX Visual Designer, my role was to be part of the process from the beginning to the end to completely absorb and understand what we are designing for. The deliverable was handing off the package of designs: wireframes, and visual assets with production guidelines to the developers in Russia, which were hired by the client.

I do wish we were much more involved until the end this product because it was so much fun to work on. We also wished that we did Quality Assurance because once we finally saw a working prototype, only about 50% of our designs were implemented. Besides the colors and icons, it felt like it was a totally different product.



Back to the client wanting something unique. They wanted something that they can call their own and differentiate themselves by having the BLUE as their main color. As industry standards, when you pass by someone in the office and you see their monitor, the terminals and Bloomberg are in black, you immediately associate and know what type of application they are using. FOTW wanted that each time you see a BLUE screen, it's FOTW.