Invest Lab, the mother brand of TradePop, came to Comrade to build an application that bridges the gap between unreachable trading markets due to language barriers. As an example, if an American investor seeks to invest in China but doesn't know the language how can she/he? 

The goal for this project was to build an Application that is easy to use and a very unique look and feel.

Below are examples of the final UI designs. The system we've developed is clean and fun — professional and intuitive, content heavy but still very digestable. 

Score cards to show how each stock is doing. Pretty fun looking visual. As you can see below there are 2 specifics characters called Bearish and Bullish. They are symbols to characterize trends in the currency, commodity or stock markets. If prices tend to be moving upward, it is a bull market. If prices are moving downward, it is a bear market. Of course, this doesn't have to refer to the market overall.


Project: Application Product

Role:  Lead UX Visual Designer
In collaboration with: Young Pham, Darren Murrata